Stock Murakami Vintage Brown grown in a greenhouse at ardelia farm using farmer bailey plugs starter plants
Common Name Stock
Species incana
Life Cycle  annual
Tray Size  8
Plug Care
Transplant with 1 week of arrival.
Netting / Staking
1 layer of support netting.
Temperature Range
Plant clumps of 2 to 3 plants every 6".
Soil Preference
Fertile, moist, and well drained.
Day Length
Facultative long day.
Pinching No
When to Plant
Plant in the cool part of the year, either 2-4 weeks before first frost in fall, or 4-6 weeks before last frost in the spring.
Harvest when flowers are 2/3 open. Don't cut too young as the buds don't continue opening as much as other species.
Post Harvest Care
Holding solution in the cooler.
Diseases / Insects
Generally pest free. Aphids and other common pests may occur from time to time.
Bailey's Notes
The cooler you grow stock, the better the quality will be. It needs lots of fertility and must never dry out. This is a crop that won't recover from a single bad day in its life, but if you meet its needs will reward you with tall stems topped with impressively large flowers. They have a strong tap root, and need to be planted on arrival. Do not hold stock in its tray for more than a few days. The best stock is grown in a high tunnel, transplanted in late winter. It can handle a frost, but prefers to establish in a range of 35-50F. Don't worry if you see buds forming when the plant is too short. They add significant height from the time of bud initiation to harvest.