Lisianthus Pucchino 1 Choco
Lisianthus Pucchino 1 Choco
Lisianthus Pucchino 1 Choco
Lisianthus Pucchino 1 Choco
Lisianthus Pucchino 1 Choco

Lisianthus Pucchino 1 Choco

8 Plugs Shipped in a Mini Greenhouse

Early Spring (cold soil) - plant approximately 2 weeks before your last frost date.

This unique little Lisianthus is chocolate brown and single-petalled making it very unique choice for your cut flower garden. The flowers will stay cup shaped when fully open, but you can reflex the petals on cut stems to have a more of a blown-open look. This color is highly sought after in the cut flower industry because it pairs well with so many color palettes - a rare color in the flower world.


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Ship Week:Week 11 (March 10)