Stock Iron Cherry Blossom
Stock Iron Cherry Blossom
Stock Iron Cherry Blossom

Stock Iron Cherry Blossom

8 Plugs Shipped in a Mini Greenhouse

Early Spring (cold soil) - plant approximately 2 weeks before your last frost date.

With its fragrant, densely packed blooms, stock adds both beauty and spicy sweet scent to bouquets and floral arrangements. Available in a delicate, soft pastel palette, this cool-season annual provides tall stems that are ideal for flower arranging. Stock thrives in well-drained soil and full sun, making it a popular choice for flower farmers and gardeners looking to create scented cutting gardens. Its elegant appearance and sweet clove-like aroma make it a favorite for both arrangements and landscapes. Plant in the cold months of spring to allow a long establishment period - these like cooler temperatures like pansies. 

**Approximately 45% of the plants will produce single flowers, while the remaining will be fully double, as shown in the photos. Both single and double flowers are equally fragrant, with a delightful spicy clove scent, making them perfect for mixed bouquets and arrangements. The plugs are multi-seeded, containing 2–3 seedlings each, and should be planted as-is to ensure a plentiful display of double flowers. Stock have a relatively short bloom window, flowering only in spring and early summer, but their incredible fragrance makes them well worth planting.**


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Ship Week:Week 9 (Feb 24)